Beannachtaí na Nollag agus athbhlian faoi mhaise dhaoibh go léir. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
All the children had a wonderful morning at Cinemax in Bantry. They enjoyed watching the movie ‘Strange World’.
Congratulations to our first class pupil who was the Winter League Winner over Crosspoles in Kilbrittain at the weekend. Well done 👏
A large crowd gathered for our Christmas concert which was held in St.Brigid’s Church this year. The children had been practising their songs and recitals for weeks in advance and performed a truly amazing show. The children are very excited about the Christmas Performance which will be held in St. Brigid’s Church on Friday 16th of December at 11:30am. We look forward to seeing you all!
Congratulations to our 1st class pupil who won a medal for Gymnastics at the weekend. This is a wonderful achievement.
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